Hello Lolitas!
I thought I'd start a thread just incase there were any lovely lolitas out there on Dollieh Sanctuary
I know a lot of people dress their dolls in lolita, but does anyone wear it themselves as well? And I don't just mean classical lolita, any type of lolita is welcome here - even if you're just starting out or kinda interested in the style. I just ask that no-one is judgemental because of brand/off-brand differences (there's a lot of arguments going on in the lolita community over this) and that nobody is nastily critical of someone else's style.
So, I'll ask a couple of questions to get started ^_^
Do your dolls wear lolita?
Do you wear lolita?
Where do you get your lolita clothes?
What's your favourite style of lolita?
xx <3 xx