I didn't know BJD's were of the drink and wet variety.
That takes me back. When I was really little they had this baby doll that could either drink a bottle of water that would look like milk once you added a powder or eat this baby food that was actually a gel that you also mixed up from powder. Her lips would move and the stuff went in and she looked like she could really eat. My BFF at the time had one. Supposedly the stuff was harmless to the doll and she did pee and poop it like a real baby but now I kind of wonder what the insides on one of those would look like eventually because I just cannot not see that being good for the doll.
I still have a couple of those old drink and wet dolls. They're older than I am actually. They belonged to someone else in the family before they were passed on to me as an adult. She wanted to toss them but I wouldn't let her. Those dolls are from 1960 and they are kind of cute. I hated the idea of seeing them go to the landfill after all this time. I had to scalp them and wig them. Their hair was half chopped off, and the eyes are a little weird. They've changed color over the years it looks like, but other than that they look pretty good for dolls that are 53 years old. Normally I don't like baby dolls but these I'm actually very fond of.
Can you imagine though if they made a BJD that could eat and really go to the bathroom like the one I saw did? That would be just too weird, but I bet somebody would buy it. I mean if they make dolls with rotating sex organs