I know the first step to making a goal possible is writing it down but I hate doing it because I feel worse if it doesn't get done. XD But if it isn't written somewhere then I will be less likely to complete it so here goes.
Goals for the year:
A: Keep maintaining and or raising my GPA because the only scholarships I ever seem to get are academic ones and my current GPA isn't enough even for those.
B: Keep focused. I start senior project this next semester and I'm really nervous. XD
C: Get a job or internship this summer, preferably related to my major but at this point anything that pays will be good (my parents would like me to start paying for some of my college fees since I will be going into my fifth year, and of course having a job waiting for me when I graduate next spring would be a very good thing)
D: Find some sort of physical activity to get me out of the dorms and help me get in shape/lower my cholesterol and stick with it. (I really miss my martial arts classes but I can't afford to go to a new dojo) There are a lot of free activities for me to go to on campus but I haven't gone to any due to schedule conflicts and my laziness. -_-
E: I need to gain some weight and then maintain it but keep to low cholesterol or cholesterol reducing foods, (my doctor said she wanted me to lower my cholesterol but didn't tell me how to do that...)