I just discovered that a SD dress I've been coveting for months on Ebay is for sale through Taobao for significantly less money (if my yen converter is correct). On Ebay this dress goes for $115.00 but on Taobao it is 456 yen or about $55.00 US. However, because it's all in Chinese (I'm assuming) I have no idea what I'm doing or if shipping would end up adding so much it wouldn't make it worthwhile.
So has anyone here bought from them and could give me some advise? I looked for a GO on DOA but the only one I found seems to be having issues. I'm not in a hurry (my doll is still on pre-order) so if anyone would be interested in hosting a GO here in the not too distant future, I'd be all in for this dress.
Here's the link btw - http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.