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Dollieh temptations and plans

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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby MitisFeles » Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:15 am

My current dollieh temptation are those two (you know, I've the obsession to have dolls in couples, if they are not Monster's High):



They are pricey for my current possibilities, but not hopelessly out of reach. If I'd know of their existence before, maybe I'd have stopped some other dolls project and saved at least for one of them ^_^''' Maybe is the right occasion to register to Den of Angels and hope for someone that resells them used...
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Kukolka » Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:14 pm

I've been shopping around for my first BJD to be my roleplay cleric. At first I was thinking 1/6 scale in case I wanted more than 2 characters down the line, but I'm not really liking the 1/6 options available. Dollfies falling apart and the look of Obitsus, plus the limited wig and footwear options for the scale...

So now I'm maybe wanting two large dolls: my cleric and my husband's warlock. I really like the way Senior Delf girls pose and the elegance of their hands, but am having trouble choosing a face! xD At 1/3 scale and unlimited budget, I would choose Senior Delf Odin for Bart and paint him fairly similar but with thicker eyebrows. For Tessa, none of the faces look *quite* right though I keep going back to Senior Delf Blanchet. It looks like the artist painted the upper corners of her mouth, and with a different face-up she could have a more neutral expression.

I can afford *one* large doll now, but which? I've been wanting to make clothes for Tessa, and if I only ever got one doll that's who I'd want it to be, but, I'm not 100% sure which sculpt. Maybe I should get the Odin first, so I won't be worrying about him going sold out, but then I couldn't afford the girl for a long time. Longer, if I'm making real-people costumes next year.

No more than two large dolls. OK, that's reasonable. But AoD Xi keeps luring me back to her page. >_< She has the perfect face for child Tessa: frightened, knowing, wise beyond her years. But I'm looking for two older teens, not a child...
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Linteia » Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:42 pm

Oh man, as if my wishlist wasn't big enough as is. I just saw the new Iplehouse doll Rexy on DoA and she's so perfect it's spooky. Normally I only like Iplehouse from a distance, not a huge fan of realistic looking dolls in my personal collection, but she is...wow. Now just to figure out how to afford her. /sigh :roll:
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby OkamiKodomo » Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:08 pm

So I've officially started saving for my Akando... it's tentative, as I'm going on vacation for a week, in a few days, and I may need to dip into the dollieh fund to pay some bills, but we'll see. I'm caught up on everything so far, and the paycheck I get as soon as I get back will still be a full check, but the one after is going to have my time off on it... which is the check the internet bill comes out of. I'm crossing my fingers. I've gotten most other dollieh spending out of the way. I'm still watching the marketplace for a DZ Mo head, and I still want to get a Hujoo Freya.... but all my other dolls have their wigs, shoes, and eyes, either already home, or on order. None of them are nekkid (though Shy needs a shirt still), even if they don't have their "default" outfits made yet. I think I can finally start my piggy bank for my grail doll. Heh I'm getting anxiety about it though, because every time I've tried before, something has always happened: car blew up, fiance needed interview clothes, lost a job, etc. So I'm worried I'm jinxing myself.
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby coloredimage » Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:58 pm

Oooo, good luck Okami! Hopefully everything will work out as planned and you can get your Akando!

I need clothes - so many clothes. It's horrible. I look at doll clothes far more often than I do clothes for myself.
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby ShadowKat » Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:56 am

I've officially started planning for my first true BJD, and in a new scale to boot! (Though I won't have the funds for like a year+ probably. Too many projects in 1/6 :D Not to mention the addiction that is Monster High)

I created Kathrine Xenatym when I was 15 for an X-Men: Evolution RPG, and she has stuck with me ever since, becoming my online persona, growing and changing as I have. I've been wanting to make a doll of her for several years now, but nothing in 1/6 scale ever really fit for her (I wanted her to be shorter than the others, but I'm not a fan of the 25cm Obitsu soft bust, and the 23 is a little to little). So, whilst looking over JunkySpot's current offerings, I started browsing the 44cms. I skipped over Obitsus and Hujoos (thinking the latter only offer the big-headed tinies), but nothing really caught my fancy. So, I decided to look at Freya, when lo and behold, they have 1/4 girls!

I have fallen completely in love with Dana (on the newer, bustier body). I've looked more at other sculpts now, and the more I look, the more I go back to her. Though, she looks a little too young for Kat as she is now (In her early 20s), and I'm worried she wouldn't take the personality. The full-set Tiara Dana looks a lot older, and I love her outfit (Kat would too), but I don't like her lips...

Now I'm looking at eyes, wigs, shoes... and contemplating trying to find a cheap head so I can try my hand at face-ups!

:o I've been bitten hard by the dollieh bug! I want her so bad! But so indecisive! I guess it's okay, because I'm not buying her in the immediate future, but I want her all planned out too. Gah! So... Many... Options...
::waffle:: ::waffle:: ::wallow:: ::waffle::

Oh, good luck Okami!
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby iron_dog » Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:50 am

I had been saving up for a DZ Edward to be my winter storm god, Fei-Lau, and partner to Khale (whom I already own). I had $200 already saved by August and I was thinking that I might be able to order him in October/November. Then there was a cash crunch and dolly funds were used for something else *sigh*. Then I saw a Soom Auber on the MP on DoA and jumped on him, doing something I swore I wouldn't do. I put a doll on my CC *cringes* because I didn't have the cash in hand and the boy sprites NEVER come up on the MP so if I didn't grab him, who knows when he'd be available again.

So I'm back to saving up for the DZ Edward again AND have added a Ringdoll mecha arm to the cost involved for this character *sigh*. But at the same time, Sleet (the Soom Auber), came to me blank so needs a face-up and since I cannot do that myself... yep, might need to dip into Fei-Lau's dolly savings to make that happen *sigh*.

But now that I've put one dolly on CC (and paid off 2/3's of it, go me), the temptation is VERY strong to put Fei-Lau on the CC, too. I know that way is the slippery slope to dolly spending hell, but good god it's tempting as getting Fei-Lau will satisfy all my dolly plans (assuming no other characters jump me unexpectedly *crosses fingers*).
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Evelien » Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:58 am

I've bought dolls on my cc as well but I'm glad my bank doesn't allow paying back in terms. I have to pay off what I've paid with my cc the next month. I wouldn't trust myself with the possibility to spread out the payments over time. Too little self discipline here I'm afraid. I'd buy more than I could actually pay for short term.
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby iron_dog » Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:07 am

Mine has a minimum amount to be paid per month (which is usually a stupidly low amount). I can also make multiple payments in a month so if I happen to get a little extra, I can throw it on my CC to help pay it down (which is what happened this month).

I try hard to keep the dolly spending under control and typically don't purchase anything unless I have cash in hand, but the Auber was too good of a deal not to go for it. And I love the doll and he worked out to be a b'day doll, so yea!
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Siead » Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:46 pm

i picked up a head on the MP a while ago, and got a body second hand on it's way. planning to make a water demon with it. could be fun :)
gonna go try to dye the head. eeeeep. wish me luck lol.
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