I'm a HUGE action figure nerd. Their articulation is what lead me to become interested in different kinds of dolls in the first place . I had this mini Cloud and Squall preordered for a few months before they showed up at my doorstep last week . I love the accessories they come with, they even have little text bubbles, but I haven't used my BF's translation app to see what they say, yet, lol.
Little-Squall comes with Pupu, Cactuar, a SeeD uniform and his casual outfit, as well as Lionheart and the original Gunblade, two expressions and one blank head (!!).
Me? A video game nerd, too? Neeeever...
"This is NOT what I summoned!"
I mean, c'mon. You can't even boost Cactuar D:.
Totally the other way, dude. Cloud comes with his bike from FFVII:AC 'Fenrir', the Buster Sword, a standing body, two expressions, and he has a blank head as well .
"Did someone drop this thing?"