The objective--
To turn a PukiPuki Pukisha into this:
Her name is Nissh, and she's my cat-folk cheetah. This will be my first major doll mod (if you can call it a mod) so please wish me luck!
1. Unstring-- this was an adventure in itself, as I had never unstrung a doll before
2. Remove Faceup
3. Sand and Clean
4. Dye Job-- This took two attempts, I hadn't properly cleaned Nissh and I was using the wrong kind of dye the first time.
5. Blushing/Faceup-- Right now I'm sealing Nissh before I start blushing
6. Spots
7. Restringing
KEY: complete in progress to do
Here is Nissh, clothed, wigged, and eye'd before I started.
Nissh in the nude.
Before faceup removal:
After faceup removal:
Mid-dye, first attempt:
Successfully dyed!
My Plan for Nissh's Faceup!
To be continued....