1. DOA has her as "Off Topic"...is there something wrong with her, some sort of defect that doesn't qualify her as a BJD?
There is nothing wrong with her. The moderators of Den of Angels have decided that the Gia's face did not fit in with the look of other on-topic dolls; strange as that seems.
2.What is the difference between the massive body and the slender body? I mean, the massive body doesn't look fat or anything to me. Also, does the massive body make it harder to find them clothes?
The massive body is roughly the size of a generic male body in comparison with standard female bodies. This makes it difficult to find standard female clothing for it. Someone posted a picture at DOA a while ago.
NSFW comparison picture
hereThe massive female body is on the left followed by a Bobobie 60cm male body (modded) and some standard girl bodies from other companies. The massive body is large, hence it's name.
The slender female body seen
here (the head is from a different company) is a standard size and will be easy to buy clothes for.
3. What comes with the doll by default?
At this time their dolls don't come with anything but their shipping pillows. Angelsdoll does sell extremely high quality urethane eyes on their site though.
However you will have to ask them what eye size and wig size the doll takes. Angelsdoll is still only starting and doesn't quite seem to know what information to put out there for customers yet.
4. "how long do I have to buy her?"
I don't think even Angelsdoll knows for sure.
5. Can someone tell me about the difference between the regular skin and the volks compatible skin? Why would I want it to be volks compatible?
Color comparisonsPeople will often hybrid doll parts from different companies together. Many companies use Volks resin colors as a standard so that you can put a head, hands or feet from one company on an Angelsdoll body or vice versa.
6. Breast size - what's the difference between "big" and "normal" in practical terms?
In the female massive body the difference is subtle, they did not go with the cartoon chest balloons. You can see this on their site. I don't know about their slim body though. I can't find any proper pictures to show you.
7. Does anyone have a point of reference between the long legs and the regular legs?
Accord to a message on their official message board, the long legs are 1cm longer. *laughs* Wow what an option.
8. Any other Angelsdoll owners care to give me their pros and cons of the doll as they see it?
I don't think anyone has a Gia yet but Angelsdoll bodies have been bought and enjoyed for hybrids. Most people are pleased with the quality (feel and weight) of the resin. The seam lines are minimal, the dolls pose reasonable well.
I have read some unfortunate experiences. One person received a doll head with holes in his ears because the resin there was thin. Some have remarked that the resin around the eyes were thin. Some one who ordered a massive male body said it arrived with a broken part near the knee. In every single instance though Angelsdoll replaced the broken parts immediately without charge.
My own experience: I have an Angelsdoll Shakan in "vivid skin" - a sort of milky tea color. Matches mine! He arrived whole with no breaks. He is very big and very heavy yet poses beautifully. I haven't noticed any thin spots around his eyes.
I also own a gray skin Violet head. It's gorgeous. The details are much more fine than I expected. If you like your dolls to have a more realistic look Angelsdoll is definitely for you.
I hope this has helped.