I have a few carry bags, but honestly, I never used them that much. I used to use a large suitcase and wrap the dolls in blankets or fabric to take them to meets. I could get most of my collection in there, and the straps used to secure clothes down work just as well for holding dolls down, too. Of course, I've since switched to a sewing machine carrier and a craft cart, which allows me to put the dolls in sitting up. I can get three or four SDs in each one, two sitting on each side, and I put MSDs on top of them. I just make sure hands are secured so no accidents like snapping fingers occur. And I've been considering making little padded "mittens" for their hands, just for extra protection.
My tinies all fit very neatly in a little duffle bag, which sits very neatly on top of the wheeled cart. Much easier to lug all that around to meets and such.
I was eyeballing the one trunk carrier from dollmore, which holds 2 SDs or 4 MSDs and has wheels and such. But the carrier is $70, and the shipping is $70, and $140 for a single bag is just ridiculous. My wheeled carts were the next best idea.