Welkom is a mining town and we have lots of foreign people that work here. Some mines closed down, but others are up and running. We have 3 hospitals - 2 privately owned ones and 1 government (or regional) one. We have 2 traffic lights and they are outside of town on the way in - few stop streets and mostly traffic circles which work fine when one knows how to navigate them. There is no public bus service, but have what we call "taxis" - that is mini bus/combivan types that transport people to and fro for a price - the non white folks catch these mainly. (I'm not racist, but was told when I first came NOT to catch them b'cos its not safe for us). The mines have what they call a megabus to transport the miners to and fro. We have a library that doesn't get many new books, some shopping centres, some fabric shops, a toy shop. A shop that sells wool - don't think you are going to get that very thin wool here - oh no - we are lucky if we see 3 ply wool (and that is usually baby wool)! I get quite fustrated at times.
Healthwise - lots of miners suffer from TB and most are HIV +ve as well due to their promiscuity. Its so sad. Other miners have the other lung diseases like ptysis (not sure how spelled), emphysema etc. Unfortunately, a patient does not have to inform anyone that he/she is HIV+ve and if the doctor wants an HIV blood test, they or family must give consent and they are councelled prior to blood test. One usually knows when they are on antiretroviral treatment.