Granado has small, high pectorals. They don't rest low like Ivan's do, it looks more like he's flexing. (Not that I'm complaining.)
This is a neat little notch. It fits into a grove down inside. Offers nice stability when posing.
The resin around where the knee joint inserts is weak. It actually flexes a bit. I would be wary of trying to manipulate the legs too much, like crossing the knees too often.
I love this! The ankles have a little rubber pad. No need for sueding!
Nice full knee-cap, very aesthetically pleasing.
When I first saw this, I didn't think I'd like it, but it's GREAT! If I want to change eyes, do a faceup, whatever, I just pop the face off. This is a lot better than unscrewing the head, especially if the elastic is tight.
Not a fan of the branding. He'll look silly if his feet are propped up and he's got a name stamped into them.
Inside the head. These are size 12 eyes inserted. I put some 14's in and they looked weird. Dude has TINY eyes. I wouldn't go bigger than a size 12.