A looooooooooooooong time ago this question was asked over on Junkyspot, and I enjoyed a lot of the answers, so now I'm asking it here - what is the story behind your username (if there is one)?
I'll start out with mine (embarassing as it is). A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away I was a massive Elfquest geek. I was so much of a geek I formed a small fan group with some friends and we all had our elf names and of course, our elves all had animal friends with names. Greyhaunt was the name of my elf's snow leopard companion. Ironically enough I haven't got a clue what the heck my elf name was anymore - I mean seriously, I don't remember. But Greyhaunt stuck with me and it was one of my first online names and has been the one to stick with me the longest Since I'm starting to get grey hairs I suppose its appropriate!