by WhiteDove01s » Wed Nov 25, 2020 6:24 pm
Oboy, let's see... thickest would be my copy of Grey's Anatomy, wherever the hex-nuts it's gotten to... but it's otherwise nearly standard-paperback-small in the other dimensions. There's a book around here somewhere, light blue in color and with a title I can't recall at the moment that is a book of interesting historical newspaper covers and is about the size of a newspaper... but also less than an inch thick.
For all-around big ones it seems to be a tie between Parrots Of The World and The Mystic Warriors Of The Plains... but the illustrated parrot book is half an inch wider at 9.5x13x2 inches and 584 pages. There are thicker ones (the 1992 Physician's Desk Reference is a good 3" thick), but no others both thick and particularly big. These two have some heft to them, and if I was looking for a book to clobber an intruder with... it would probably involve either parrots or a study of native American religion and culture.