My mom continues to decline rapidly. Even she is aware of it - when she can focus more normally. I'm not going to lie, I'm scared. I'm scared about a lot of things: from finances to treatment to the impact on my family. (My mom made a very upsetting, and false, claim over the weekend that stems from a hallucination or vivid dream that could put a family member in serious jeopardy.) Just 2 weeks ago I would have told you she had a good year until this started. I don't see it going back to how it was at this point.
We took her to the ER on Saturday because she was acting erratic and we were concerned she could have had a mini stroke. All of the tests came back negative, but she had a episode there where she was frantically yanking at the rings too small to get over her knuckles and the doctor ended up giving her a sedative to calm her. Yesterday was very bad, although by nightfall she was better - kind of the opposite of what I understand about "sundowning". I've begun to senior proof the house. I've put door handle covers on the front door and the pantry. Last night she insisted on trying to give one of our dogs snacks even after she was told not to. I literally had to move her away from the pantry door. I also have cabinet locks to install.
I can't get in to see the elder care lawyer until next week or her neurologist until this Friday. We have an appt for a second opinion on her colon surgery in 2 weeks. I'm terrified of having her go through surgery and having anesthesia. Not going through it means continuing and probably increasing pain and bleeding as well as worsening incontinence...
Anyway, I appreciate being able to vent a little here.