Ok, since this involves the Apple White EAH I got on E-bay, I could have put it under 1/6 scale, but let's face it vinyl staining can happen to any size doll. Anyhow, the doll was positioned in such a way in the auction that I did not see the stains. They actually look like bruises. I mean, I get that I bought one without clothes, but this is the first time I've bought a nude doll and had them arrive looking like they were LITERALLY mugged.
I have thus far tried soap and water, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, and then a light touch with my dremel (some may remember that as my preferred method for partial removal of faceups)... all with no result. I'm starting to wonder if EAH dolls can get cabbage pox. My eyesight isn't too great these days... There are two smudges on her cheek and one on her forehead, the last is the easiest one to see.
Anyone out there have any other suggestions I could try for removing these before I resort to the Heavy Artillery (aka bleaching them with zit creme)?