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Dollieh temptations and plans

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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Kattriella » Sat Oct 07, 2017 6:43 am

Iwa_Hoshi wrote:
Kattriella wrote:I don't even know how this happened. Delanie and Ella weren't even characters I had planned . . . Ella was just the name of the Barbie doll, and Delanie was just named so because I liked the face of the doll and decided to name her . . . Now she's taken over. OAO;

Thats the plan. to take over the over world :lol:

I dropped my aforementioned videogame girl(Kula) from my character make list. I was testing wigs on a blank head for my face character of the same series. I put on Kula's wig on that head. Kula happened and refuses to leave even though I offered her another head to be house in. And since then she's been a hardworking doll and done a good job on the doll front to point of overshadowing the young lady that I had wanted to do in the first place.

I don''t even play Kula's character in the first place. :lol: :roll: :lol:

They start out by accident . . . Then they take over . . .

. . . help meeeeeeee . . .
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Dark Angel » Thu Oct 12, 2017 1:04 pm

Ugh... I kind of love the new resinsoul/bobobie sculpt, Yang. I don't know why I find him so appealing.... I'm trying to get rid of dolls, not add!! :roll: I'm hopeless. Must resist!! (Also tempted to get him in a cool color.)
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Tasuke » Sat Oct 21, 2017 8:31 am

Tasuke wrote:i'm hoping to afford this TAKARA Jenny/Licca "Liccarize" Cardcaptor Sakura, -with separately sold extra costume- due late-August.

i've got both the doll and her extra costume pre-ordered at "AmiAmi" it's just a matter now of saving for the next couple/three months, no problem~

i'll likely be having wait some months to come before i can get her the OBITSU she deserves, but that will come in time, and it'll be well worth the wait...

hopefully, her head will be sized to mate well with that brand new OBITSU 24cm. sculpt. Here's Hoping...

well. after AmiAmi's delay of a couple more months, she's finally released, and on her way!!

i wasn't able to afford her OBITSU replacement body yet, but perhaps for Christmas.
until then, i'll have to make do with her terrible (IMO) stock TAKARA Licca body...


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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Kattriella » Sat Oct 21, 2017 1:19 pm

Aaaaaw, she's adorable, Tasuke, even if her body isn't that great.
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Tasuke » Sat Oct 21, 2017 4:24 pm

Kattriella wrote:Aaaaaw, she's adorable, Tasuke, even if her body isn't that great.

oh, i have just the thing in mind to address that;

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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Kattriella » Sat Oct 21, 2017 6:04 pm

Tasuke wrote:
Kattriella wrote:Aaaaaw, she's adorable, Tasuke, even if her body isn't that great.

oh, i have just the thing in mind to address that;


I have, at minimum, 3-4, characters I plan to use Obitsus for. I love the variety of body sizes they have. I might even try a Barbie head on one, once I get my two for-sure Obitsu girls and see if the skintone of either one matches. She's on the palest Made to Move body right now, but I hate her hands so much. QAQ I know it's possible to swap hands from other Barbies, but I still hate that she's not able to swap hands easily.

(I'm also planning to experiment with alcohol mixed with Sharpie ink to dye Obitsu parts to match my other dolls and maybe swap the other two Made to Move girls, but that probably won't go well, so SHHHHHHHH, we won't talk about that.)
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Tasuke » Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:33 am

i've a MADE TO MOVE Barbie myself, worst thing, IMO, other than the hip design, is the ridiculously tiny ankles and feet. oh, and the joints are LOOSE fresh from the box, especially those terrible ankles.

anyway, i've been an OBITSU convert for nearly a decade now, all my 1/6 Anime girls so far have one, including the three 1990's vintage TAKARA character dolls that came with stiff, ugly JENNY bodies. 1/6 OBITSUs really breathed new life into them...
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Kattriella » Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:21 pm

Tasuke wrote:i've a MADE TO MOVE Barbie myself, worst thing, IMO, other than the hip design, is the ridiculously tiny ankles and feet. oh, and the joints are LOOSE fresh from the box, especially those terrible ankles.

anyway, i've been an OBITSU convert for nearly a decade now, all my 1/6 Anime girls so far have one, including the three 1990's vintage TAKARA character dolls that came with stiff, ugly JENNY bodies. 1/6 OBITSUs really breathed new life into them...

If my experiments in dyeing Obitsus with alcohol and Sharpie ink bear any fruit, I'll convert my girls over to Obitsus. If two of them weren't so dark skinned, I'd have gone with Obitsu to begin with . . . I think I can probably get one of the current Barbie girls to match an Obitsu pretty well, but I need to get my Obitsu girls in hand first to be sure. (I need one of the white skintone an one of the normal, so at least I'll get a comparison for both.)

The only joints I've had an issue with are the ankles. All the others on my MtM dolls are really stiff. O-o Luckily, my MtM girls all wear either flat sandals, or shoes with tops that cover their ankles. I just hate their tiny feet, though. Especially beside my Integrity Toys girl. Her feet are NORMAL, but she looks like sasquatch beside Barbie.

I heard a rumor through the grapevine that there's a potential Curvy MtM doll who may appear. I'm actually really excited about that. Despite the nonexistent feet and bad ankles, I REALLY want a Curvy girl with joints who isn't a collector doll.
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby DollyKim » Tue Oct 24, 2017 5:26 am

All the skin tone comparison pics I took for my old website and there's no Barbie and Obitsu. Off the top of my head super pale Barbies and some of the older Superstar heads might come close. You'll see how lovely Obitsu normal is when it arrives.

I wish they'd make a curvy and petite Barbie. I had to get a #22 petite (I think) in the red skirt to be Barbie me. I wouldn't mind paying up to a certain price for a collector Barbie to get a posable petite body for her. I've swapped out some of those skinny black label gals with other heads to make certain characters. Svetlana went through 4-5 bods until she was satisfied. Which reminds me a jointed tall would work for someone else.

I ended up putting most of my Barbies on the 100 poses ball joint knee bodies back when I hit a $5 each sale. It just makes sense with the amount of high heel feet shoes I have. If I hit on a couple of the lightest M2M I might pick them up for a couple of the lightest girls.
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Kattriella » Tue Oct 24, 2017 12:16 pm

DollyKim wrote:All the skin tone comparison pics I took for my old website and there's no Barbie and Obitsu. Off the top of my head super pale Barbies and some of the older Superstar heads might come close. You'll see how lovely Obitsu normal is when it arrives.

I wish they'd make a curvy and petite Barbie. I had to get a #22 petite (I think) in the red skirt to be Barbie me. I wouldn't mind paying up to a certain price for a collector Barbie to get a posable petite body for her. I've swapped out some of those skinny black label gals with other heads to make certain characters. Svetlana went through 4-5 bods until she was satisfied. Which reminds me a jointed tall would work for someone else.

I ended up putting most of my Barbies on the 100 poses ball joint knee bodies back when I hit a $5 each sale. It just makes sense with the amount of high heel feet shoes I have. If I hit on a couple of the lightest M2M I might pick them up for a couple of the lightest girls.

Reneeah is using the lightest skinned MtM Barbie (Asian girl with the purple shirt), but she has a Blue Beauty head (the new Teresa face). I still need to reroot her with her gorgeous red hair, though, and redo her face. About to look for a new job, though, so that's on hold for now. (All my dolls are just sitting around waiting for new hair or eye colors, the poor things.) I have so many Barbie shoes, and Reneeah is a shoe and fashion lover, so she's most likely going to keep this body just because of the shoes. Reini is going on a 27cm Obitsu body, but she always wears ballet flats or similar shoes, and Sheen will be on a 23cm Obitsu body. (Yes, her character is very, very small compared to her friends.) Getting Sheen to even wear shoesnis difficult, so having her walk around the dollhouse barefoot is no big deal. I'm for sure going to use an Obitsu slim male for Reini's older brother, but I haven't quite decided on what to use for Gil yet . . . I'll have to figure it out once everyone else gets here and I can see ho they all look in proportion to each other. Hopefully, since his character isn't as tall as the guys who are using Color Infusion male bodies, he won't demand to be one of those. Those boys are expensive . . . And I have three of them with plans to add two more, not including the girl I already have and the others I want to add.

Dolls are more demanding than children. @-@ At least will dolls I can shove them in a box and stuff them in a closet when they get on my nerves and not have CSP called on me.
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