Greetings, all! I'm Kattriella, or Katt for simplicity's sake. I have no idea how to write an introduction, so I guess I'll just ramble about myself for a bit.
I'm an adult "collector", but we all know that's code for "I still play with dolls but 'collector' sounds more socially acceptable so people don't look at me as strangely." My collection is almost exclusively 1:6 scale dolls, with the exception of two 1:3 scale BJDs who haven't seen daylight for some time now (mostly because of a cat that chews on things she shouldn't, including tiny resin fingers).
I'm an amateur doll customizer and photographer who enjoys making things for her tiny family and then taking photos of it. My philosophy is, if you can't find it, make it! Especially when it comes to clothes.
My current doll family is mainly Barbies and Color Infusion Dolls from Integrity Toys, with plans to add Obitsus to the mix in the new future. I prefer adult bodied dolls over dolls made to look like children, with the exception of dolls like Kelly, Chelsea, Stacie, or Skipper, or the child bodies from Obitsu that are in scale with the adult bodies.
I also enjoy testing out what fits what dolls, and sharing my knowledge, so if I stick around long enough, expect a lot of that, as well as the potential for clothing hauls and showing them off. (I do love to take pictures of my dolls, after all.)
My goal for the near future is investing in an actual camera and not just using my phone and figuring out a better lighting set up, as well as finishing my custom character dolls. I'll probably be asking a lot of questions, so please bear with me. ^u^;
Anyway, I'll see you all in the forums!