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Dollieh temptations and plans

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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby DollyKim » Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:06 am

If you're a frequent customer ask if you can set up a sort of automatic sign up for them. Or get a friend who would be up that early to snag one for you.
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Iwa_Hoshi » Sun Feb 28, 2016 3:58 am

My dolls seems pretty intent on challenging me by rotating projects quickly. I wanted to do a Butler-ish shoot for the Big 4. But Megu-Chun has suddenly gone into Street Fighter mode for the sake of a new cop outfit combination. Helen and Jack are decked out as adventurers. VR dosen't particularly seem to care.

I'm thinking that the only way to get all four in butler-ish outfits is to make them think that they're going undercover to crack a case/ steal some antiques/part time job.

Yes I had been watch Kuroshitsuji...
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Qrinta » Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:28 pm

DolKStation had two pico Ashes in stock so I was able to grab them! Super excited that I got them and don't have to stay up till all hours of the night/morning tonight.

And of course the Pico Ashes at Aileen Dolls didn't go out of stock this time around. XD Funny how that works. Status is now shipment waiting! ^_^

Temptations at the moment:
Silver Beam and Sweet Dolls Fairies! I want to support their kickstarter and the fairies are so cute!

If I'm really good about saving up and also de-cluttering my room I would love to get Iplehouse SID Carina in Light Tan, EID Chase in Special Real Skin and SID Eva in Normal Skin. I also want to buy them all the pretty clothes. I kind of want an SID just because they get all the pretty clothing options. At least they seem to get more clothes than my poor JID. Carina has been on my wishlist since I stumbled upon Iplehouse BJDs but I can't really justify getting the larger Iplehouse dolliehs pretty as they are.
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Iwa_Hoshi » Sat Mar 12, 2016 6:33 am

Qrinta wrote:If I'm really good about saving up and also de-cluttering my room I would love to get Iplehouse SID Carina in Light Tan, EID Chase in Special Real Skin and SID Eva in Normal Skin. I also want to buy them all the pretty clothes. I kind of want an SID just because they get all the pretty clothing options. At least they seem to get more clothes than my poor JID. Carina has been on my wishlist since I stumbled upon Iplehouse BJDs but I can't really justify getting the larger Iplehouse dolliehs pretty as they are.

EID Chase~~~~ EID Chase~~~~~ He's the handsome one who reminded me of various pretty boys(granted my pretty boys are the way muscular type...) with that smile of his. Although Dexter is the perfect bad boy for me. :lol: The EID dudes are huge as well as wonderfully broad shouldered to the point that they will limit(the hero more so then the model) what clothes you can buy to a handful of companies.

If you want to go SID dudes, check out Eric. He's kinda like a younger brother to Dexter and Chase where I'm concern and Vincent is like a not smiling Lee to me.

My little Obi50 is a few cm taller than a JID boy but would appreciate their clothes. So huge dude is huge

Meanwhile Luts join the cat teasing
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Qrinta » Sat Mar 12, 2016 8:52 pm

I saw that kitty! It looks so chubby and cute. ^_^

Yeah, I had originally thought of getting Chase to be Kat but when I realized just how big the EID boys were I went with nYID Justin instead. XD They are so big and beefy. o.o And now the HID guys, I can't even imagine. I should probably work on making room for my current crew. Everyone except the Aileen Dolls critters and Q-chan just hangs out in their boxes unless I have a free weekend to myself to get them out and take pictures which is basically never.

*stares at all the pretties anyway* Hoarding habits die hard.
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Iwa_Hoshi » Sat Mar 12, 2016 9:22 pm

Lol. The HID would have to find a way for me to lug him outdoors if I get one. EID size is already quite intimidating that I would only get a 2nd Dexter just for the updated body and 2nd head at a much later date. If anything I'm eyeing MSD level dolls that aren't competing with my two in-betwenners (Obi50 & Soulddoll Vito). Anthros like Dear Mine and Luts Kid Zuzu and Dollmore Catish are making "Buy me! buy me! noise for now.

Any smaller and it will be a Big Pukisha. Kinda partial to that one.

My main issues would be the lack of space and no doll going "BUY ME! PAY MY RANSOM! TAKE ME HOME NOW!!! I AM YOUR DOLLIEH!!!"
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Kirahfaye » Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:20 am

I don't know if I've mentioned that I have a Fairyland Fairyline Rendia fullset on layaway. When I decided to reshell Roho and Kirah to SD size, I needed a character for my JID Owen because I love him too much to sell him. So, I thought, okay - I have a storyline for Roho and Kirah that I've been meaning to put on paper so how about if I extend the story into the future and create new characters? And that's how Rendia ended up on layaway. Yeah, the MSD size doesn't really fit in a true physical sense, but I can deal with that. I'm not doing a photostory, after all.

I've been working on the story's backstory the past couple of days in as concise a fashion as is possible - for me. (Thus the reason I don't write much: I make it so freaking complicated for myself. But - I neeeeed historical references! :roll: )

Anyway, Rendia is more than halfway paid off and I have someone who wants to buy her outfit and horn crown, so with any luck I'll have her home about the time she arrives at DDE. Whenever that is.....
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Iwa_Hoshi » Fri Mar 18, 2016 8:14 pm

Okay Luts catis out. Without a MSD or SD size doll there, I don't have a good idea for size other than a 1/1 person's hand (roughly the size of a kneeling Obi23?). :lol:

I am safe so far since Nyang is not as Helen/Taki looking as the Iplehouse cats or the Hujoo Dorothy. But its charming in a certain Maneki Neko kind of way.

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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Qrinta » Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:50 pm

Something about the eyes/face bugs me just a bit but that calico is a cutie. For some reason it makes me think of the story The Cat that went to Heaven xD The paint jobs are lovely.

Edit: I think it is the lack of whiskers on the kitty faces. XD The Calico sort of has whiskers but the others don't appear to have any. O.o

Luts is coming out with a Mint Green Tiny Zebrataur tomorrow/Fridayish! I can't not get this one. It's too cute. XD Could be I'm still in the St. Patrick's Day mood. Though it's a limited run of 30 so I will try not to get too excited about it. -_-
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Kadyssa » Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:28 pm

Something about the eyes in those Luts cats is just calling to me! O.O I bet I can get just the eyes somewhere :lol:

I had 14 dolls at my last count, (11 Monster High, 2 EAH, 1 Disney Descendants) and they all need me to sew clothes... So that's a plan. When they're all clothed and complete, fullset style, I keep telling myself I'm going to sell at least ten. I feel like I can justify my doll hobby if I can manage to resell the ones I'm done with, like my boyfriend can do with his MTG cards...

Since I'm no longer satisfied with the articulation in the dolls I have, I'm looking into hybrids with Obitsu and other similar articulated bodies. Right now, I plan to put a Disney descendants Mal head on an Obitsu 27cm body and I *really* want to put a Hujoo Jake head on a Taeyang body as well.

I've decided I need a hard-headed doll to encourage me to practice wig-making before the DollZone Candace I ordered arrives, so I'm weighing my options between a Hujoo Phoebe, a Silverbeam 3D printed Phoenixling or a 3D printed custom faun bjd from DollArtbyJulie on Etsy... The Phoebe has the advantage of being in stock, but the Phoenixling is such a great design and the faun would be sooo cheap.

As I move forward and wait on my preorder, I'm hunting for super-poseable dolls that fit with the head-to-body size ratio of my Candace. I'm really picky for some reason... But for sure my next resin doll is going to be an ImplDoll Belinda or Camellia Dynasty's Sage horse. I think he's just big enough to fit 1/6 dolls.
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