ShortNCuddlyAm I could not stop laughing at "The Squid", and "Nice Weather For Ducks" is just a gorgeous music video. I always love animation and it's just....cute! I can't find a better word, especially with all the animals done in that stylistic black ink.
Siead Aughhhh I LOVE the video for "She Wolf". It's so gorgeous. It's simple in tone and plot but it's just got such a powerful undercurrent to it.
Kirahfaye Hey, that's good with me!!
While technology has made a lot of the newer videos gorgeous, sometimes I feel it's do I put this...too effortlessly? While the older music videos, when one was made that really had an impact it was because it was done through diligent work. It's the reason music videos like "Thriller" are considered classics today and hold up under the weight of all our newfangled tech, they're rather timeless.
Mirrin This music video is definitely one of the favourites of mine. I know what you mean about bawling your eyes out though. It makes me sniffly too. I have a few songs that directly deal with death on my favourites list but I can't listen to them without sobbing even though I love them. I can't listen to Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" (the song is a tribute to his young son, who died when he fell out of a window of a high rise building) without crying. Especially when I think of the live performance where he just breaks down in the middle of the song.
K2! HAH! Weird Al, I love him. "I Lost On Jeopardy" and "Eat It" are particular favourites of mine, along with "Amish Paradise".
Gift_In_Edge "Batman Maybe" had me rolling. Oh GOD. The dance on the rooftop....
Also, you are completely right about "Louis Vuitton", it looks like Digimon and Summer Wars merged. What an awesome music video!!