my first tiny dollieh!!!!! omg omg omg. i mean, does she really count? who cares! i'm bonding with her already. i love her!
i found her at a store called Tuesday Morning in a swanky plaza within driving distance of my 'hood. it's kind of a poor-ish store, so most things are at a low, low price. i just walked in the store, and on a table with a "TOYS UNDER $10" were a plethora of miniature Pullips and Dal dolls! if i can recall, there were ... 2 silver knights, 2 corals, 1 aquarius, and 2 soldier of cards. this one woman was eyeing them for her child, and after seeing me freak out over them to my (exasperated ^^;) mother, she asked me to explain them to her and picked up the aquarius Pullip and a coral Dal for her kid. my mom said aw hell, why not? so i got a coral dal FOR $10. she is precious! just sitting here with me, i can feel us bonding already!
without further ado, my first unboxing! yay!
her glorious box. it was kinda mangled from being tossed about in storage at the store (items are stored very sloppily), but why should it matter?
base pieces. so simple, even a dolt like me figured it out! it took a while, though ...
too excited to get the plastic all off, so i broke out the big guns-- safety scissors. no hair was cut in the making of this photo.
took this thing out of the box and had NO idea what it was ... it's a headdress.
little anklebiter out an' about! except it was raining so i quickly took her back inside.
all finished! and isn't she precious.
sorry for the bad quality photos, my sister's camera is dead and i didn't want to interrupt her Breaking Bad marathon (she's on the last 3 episodes :O ). i'll take pictures of coral with my Pullip natalie later. natalie will be soooooo happy! i cannot wait!