(copied from my introduction thread on House of Resin)
Hi everyone! I'm an extremely new BJD owner who is still waiting for her first BJD to arrive. He is a Resinsoul/Bobobie Bao...so excited for him to get here! I'm littlesamuraigirl or Jordan, if you prefer. I live in the US and I have a large variety of interests, some of which are anime/manga, drawing, sewing/crafts, Irish Step Dancing and weaponry. I currently do not have a job, but I am an aspiring blacksmith/farrier/horse trainer. I live with my wonderful mom and her awesome boyfriend, my little sister/best friend Hanna, and our two female cats, Midnight and Lil Bit.
Anywho...I just wanted to find some friendly BJD forums to join so I could pick up a bit more about the hobby and make some friends. I was just really attracted to the hobby because of the beautiful dolls, the amazing photography and the fact that there is so much room for creativity and actually creating the personalities and characters for the dolls. As I said, I just recently got into BJDs, so I apologize for my newb-ness ^^
So yeah, not much else to tell! If I made a mistake with anything please let me know <3