Alopecia No Hime wrote:Yeah a lot of kids just think it's fine to post everything. One of my friends when she was living with us tried to put our address on Facebook. I was so terrified I was in a panic. I was raised with protecive parents and my first forum I ever joined my parents made sure I had basically everything I needed to hide from my peers who I really was. Alias, rules, what to do in case of bullying....My first troll encounter left us pretty chilled...
But I grew up and figured I wasn't ten anymore it was okay to give a little bit of info but not to broadcast everything.
Thats horrible! I'd be scared to death about random people breaking and entering or and worse (okay who am I kidding I DO fear these things) XD
Same here my alias is Animegirl or Kate if I have to give out a name
and again same here I'm not 14 any more and x amount of years now I finally posted a real photo of myself and my real name on my facebook page...and still panicked like crazy since online people scare me sometimes