So suppostly there has been a internet censorship bill that might be past
You can read about it here ... -269515802
heres my thoughts on it though I honestly don't understand a word about it and when I first saw it I thought it was a stupid pop up joke I told my mom she said the same thing and that "They can't do that because it goes against freedom of speech. My views on it? I don't really understand it myself but from all the hoopla going on I can say for sure that this is being blown WAY out of proportion and that at the end of the day it is probably nothing to worry about as it either will not be as bad as people think or won't even be passed. How I first read it was anything violating copy right would be closed down and that scared me since pretty much ALL reviews use some copyrighted stuff in one way or another. But a friend of mine just said it was just a way to get rid of "all these overwhelming dodgy websites and adverts popping up" In other words all those broken links that lead to "adult" sites when all you wanted was dating advice or DIY
I have not been keeping up with the news lately but I would think this would make the front page right? as far as I've seen it hasn't yet. I think its up to you weather you are for or against I'm playing team Switzerland in this as I have no idea what it is exactly anyway I figured I'd share this however just so I can say I helped one way or another
So with that long long ramble out of the way my question are these
1. What do you think about this?
2. would this affect us taking pictures of our dolls? (any dolls BJD, Monster high, pullip, obitsu ect)
or is this just a internet scare?
Also I did post this on my DA and pullip fiction I'm not trying to spam I just want to get the word out and peoples thoughts on this
UPDATE: Just had another very very scary thought but it says that you could go to jail for simply sharing copyrighted stuff (IF this stupid thing goes though which it won't) but would that affect thing you would previusly have posted before it goes into effect? like sharing the latest hunger games trailer on blogger before could you still get arrested for that? mind you I'm only saying hypothetically of course I 95% sure this will NOT pass with so many people against it and even google, facebook and other big companies against it there is no way it will go though