Lamia of the Dark wrote:Bought some storage containers to help tame the wild mountains of doll-related items that are all over my room

I seem to be buying storage containers on an almost daily basis lately. ^^; I'm new to doll collecting, but have jumped in with both feet, so suddenly I find myself with all these clothes and parts and props. On top of that, I've been trying to learn sewing (for dressing my dolls, among other things), so I'm also stocking up on fabric, Velcro, lace, thread, buttons, etc.
I also seem to think I'm buying large containers when I'm in the store, but when I bring them home, they've magically shrunk in size and don't hold nearly as much as I planned, and the mountain of things needing to be stored seems to keep growing. I'm heading to the hardware store in an hour when it opens, to get some industrial-sized multi-compartment containers... but I still fear that when they cross the threshold of my home, they'll be smaller than what I need. ^_^