Does anyone have tips on what to do for lowering cholesterol? I generally only go to the doctor once a year though I know she wanted my mom and I to check in again to see if there was any change. Mostly I've just tried to get foods that don't contain High Fructose corn syrup and attempting to switch to more whole grain instead of everything being white flour. XD Haven't convinced myself to change to brown rice though. I like minute rice. -_-
General food intake:
Bowl of Vanilla yogurt with granola and or fruit if I have some. And a glass of cranberry juice for breakfast.
Lunch is generally a PB&J and some apple sauce if I have any. If I'm home it's whatever leftovers are in the fridge.
Dinner is either frozen stuffed chicken (chicken cordon bleu or broccoli and cheese) and rice or a veggie if I have something frozen. Or Spaghetti, or leftovers from eating out. (I think the main problem besides genetics is my family goes out to eat basically every weekend XD).
I am aware that my diet seems to consist primarily of carbs. >< I don't do any exact measurements of my food, I eat til I'm full or just eat whatever fits on my plate. Judging by my current weight I don't eat as much as I should. But if I start exercising I think I will get more of an appetite.
My next goal is to find some exercise on campus to get my heart rate up at least once a week. There were a few exercise classes offered at the community center at times I'm able to attend so I'll go check those out next week. I really miss my martial arts classes. Though I'd probably die if I went to one today. XD