Hello! My name is Cate. On DOA I am Beau~Barbare. You can call me Cate, Barbare, or Radio.
I love ball jointed dolls and toys! I have a huge collection of plushies I will one day catalague and show off. I am proud of the rare ones I have and the collectors. I love Etsy and home made plushies. I am always willing to buy a home made plush! I snuggle with them though. I dont care much about reselling them when they are older as much as I am enjoyment myself and the enjoyment of my future children. My teddy bears miss matched eyes and chewed up nose is why I love him!
Im a little more protective with my dolls. I collect MSD and YOSD or smaller. I do not like the SD size so much, I suppose because its so big. I don't have a good articulation why. I like them, just not personally. Lots of my dolls have elf ears. I love dolls with strange bodies or modifications, although I would never attempt with out a mentor. Right now my poor Bee is loose! I need the right tools to restring him but I do not have them and am afraid.
Im collecting HZ clothes because they do not have many MSD that I enjoy. But their uniforms! Their clothes are why I originally got into BJD. I remember seeing a doll in a full regalia by Hesie and not believing it was a real doll. It was the first one I had seen. I thought it was a painting or a person.
Here are the babies I have currently!
Here are the dolls I am waiting for! Already paid off, just getting spa treatment and being sent. ;D
Not exactly like this, but similar. Custom one of a kind commission by Von Borowsky. She is still working on it.
just a head. He will be my first custom faceup comission. I have found an amazing artist. I intend to pay for the worth of another doll for his makeups and body blushing! Heard of the artist citronrouge on DOA? I have reservations for her! I am so excited!~