Health and weight is really important in my household. My mother was very overweight about five years ago and my dad was recently diagnosed with diabetes. We've been on a family diet for about seven years? Wow, its been a long time. Of course we have allowed ourselves to eat more than what the diet allowed, but for the most part our eating has changed entirely because of this diet.
I lost 50 lbs in about four months without much exercise. All we ate was chicken and lettuce, with whatever salt or pepper or seasoning or dressing you wanted. Lots of vegetables. Never any pasta, bread rarely but often enough so that your body was familiar, no sugar, no dairy. I drank a lot of water with lemons in it and tea. Smoothies and protein shakes were allowed so long as they did not have extra sugar. We eat six small meals a day that focus on protein and nothing else instead of three. Breakfast is the most important meal. Whenever I am woken up my mom has a granola bar or a hardboiled egg or something for me to choke down. The faster you eat in the morning the sooner your metabolism starts and the more calories you burn through out the day. And do not eat an hour or two before going to bed!! Its true, you burn more weight sleeping than watching TV. But when you sleep on a full stomach it just turns to fat.
to this day most of what I eat is meat and lettuce!
There is a cabbage soup recipe that my mother learned from Dolly Parton that takes more calories to burn that in it. Its actually very delicious. There is a specific ingredient in it that brings out the flavor . . . I dont remember what it is but when I do Ill post it.
My best advice physically is dance, martial arts, and walking your dog! I hate working out. If it isnt pilaties or yoga its boring as dirt and I have no motivation. But running with my dog? Much better than a treadmill.