I am loving all of the replies and thank you all SOOO much!
I will know by the 12th whether or not I got anything in the DD lottery (like I said I am not holding my breath) so I am figuring to start looking at obitsus.
I did NOT know that the default 50cm head was the same one from Misuzu!
It looks so different! Her fashion was what drew me in. I am a feline fanatic. I want teh kittiehs!
And I LOVE the Yamato Risa. LOVE her. Her face reminds me of Hubby's favorites little dollieh - the Volks WTG Kana? I cannot remember her real name because she has always been CBD May to him.
I am also intrigued at the idea of the 'beauty' of the 60cm BJD joints. I have yet to see them in person and perhaps I have am automatic dislike of the actual 'ball' due to the seeming visual similarity to the fashion BJDs like Devas and Sybarites (which I hate the way their joints looks, esp the hips). From photos alone, I like the way the other 60cm body looks. Yeah, I am weird. LOL. But Hubby is the one that drew my attention to it.
But that is another reason I love the 50cm body, the hip joint 'ball' is covered and doesn't show. But I hate for my doll to be such a dissimilar size to Hubby's.
I also wish that Parabox did heads that already had faceups and not just in the body sets. *sigh* I wish, I wish, I wish.
I know about the Twin Pines remover, great stuff. As many vinyl dolliehs (Tonner, Barbie, little Volks/obitsus) I have...I know all about staining. Ugh. Do you guys use bodystockings? I know Volks is always out of stock, but other folks make them, don't they?
It seems that I may be looks at a 60cm obitsu with a big bust at this point if Miu falls through. Crud, with the price of her...I may could get a 50cm and a 60cm! Hee hee. I will just have to figure out heads and bits. I like the idea of being able to replace the pieces because we do "play" with the dolliehs in our house. They are not display figures.
Another question - (yeah I am full of it...snerk
), if you have the old style Gretel head withOUT eye pocket, can you get a larger eye size in it and if so, how much larger? If I don't have a DD, I definitely want an anime style head to swap out occasionally.
Thanks so much,