shipping they are both about $90.
You are NOT going to find another DN under $100 with shipping without a lot of luck except on ebay. Sorry, but that's how it goes. The Amazon clearouts you see once in a very long while are generally only ONE doll, and you have to have an enormous amount of luck to snag it. As you discovered for yourself, it's generally an Amazon affiliate, they sell the doll and forget to take it out of Amazon, and they can cancel your order with no penalties.
Everyone goes to ebay now for the secondary market with these things. MAYBE you MIGHT find one on Doll Divas used for $80 with shipping BUT anyone selling at Doll Divas is also going to demand PayPal. There is just too much fraud with money orders for anyone to risk it.
You also do not have to get a second account just to use paypal. You can get a prepaid VISA or MasterCard to open a paypal account. It means a few more things to do and a couple extra fees to get your doll, but if you want her for THAT price that is what you are going to have to do.
EDIT: I would bet a nickle that the problem your credit union has with PayPal is that either they don't want to set up for PayPal, they won't pay the PayPal fees to set up with PayPal, or they are not on a credit union network so PayPal doesn't recognize them. It had nothing to do with how "trustworthy" or not PayPal is.