Hi! I'm from Southern California and have been looking for a cool group to hang and shoot the breeze about dolls with. It's amazing, before I fell into the doll abyss, I totally hated dolls, lol. But now I love the customizable aspect of them and they are tons of fun to photograph, play with, etc. I even made a few of my own, to pretty much everyone's surprise ( seriously, I was not into dolls at all before the end of 2009) and make clothes for them. I only have resin BJDs at the moment, but I'm definitely adding some vinyls to the mix, hopefully before the year is out..doesn't help that I'm walking distance from the Volks store when I want a dolfie dream body. @_@ But I have a couple BJDs on the way and I'm hoping I'll get them soon. Waiting for production is the pits!
When I'm not playing with dolls or making clothes, I do a bunch of fantasy illustration and herding of my two cats off my art projects. I hope to get to know the folks here and have cool stuff to add to the mix!