by OkamiKodomo » Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:54 pm
Oh it was definitely a W4. I'm not a contractor; I've done contract work before, it's how I've been affording mah dolliehs. Plus, I was milking my old boss for all he was worth with my unemployment, because he screwed me over hardcore. As in, I was doing commissions at $200 a pop, then he put me on salary while business was good, so I was making about $160 a week, and doing six ads. But it was a bi-weekly salary as opposed to an hourly wage, so "if business is slow, you're still getting paid the same amount" Then when business did get slow, he wanted to put me back on commission, except only paying $40 an ad. When I tried to file unemployment, he claimed I wasn't showing up for work, and tried to get my benefits denied. Appealed it twice, before Unemployment told him to stop wasting their time.
And I did find out that I am NOT paid for morning meetings OR conference calls, and they were trying to spin it like "if you make your sales goals, you're essentially making $20 an hour for your 8 hour shift." Then the hour you're in a meeting only bumps that down to $17 an hour, which is "still really good money to be standing around selling these products" They get away with not paying you for them, by saying they're not actually mandatory. However, they essentially write you off or "filter you out" for not showing up, because you "just don't have the right attitude for this field"
Also found out that AFA is a division of Smart Circle Marketing. The folks that market things like Sham-Wow and Snuggies. No idea what that is either, but I'm about to go look it up.
I've always been told and believed that if something is too good to be true, it usually is. Both of my trainers are...unapproachable at best, talk to the trainees and leaders like they're stupid, and one vanished off the floor for the better part of an hour. They talk down on people who have college degrees, saying how their program is designed to make people succeed, and they keep stressing things that make it sound like it's not a scam, in a way that makes me think 'the lady doth protest too much'. In today's meeting, they were talking about "not listening to outside influences", and that some people are going to be downers and not to listen to them, because "they just don't get what it is we do here." The people that question these concepts are "filtered out" and "there's nothing wrong with them going to get conventional jobs" said in that awful tone that one uses when you're really laughing behind your hand at someone. It all sounded like brainwashing. We don't get our schedule til the day before we're supposed to start the work week, which insures that you come for that day's meeting. We have to bring notebooks to the meetings and it's imperative to have "a good student mentality", giving us pamphlets and packets every day, and "actually you should really have a binder, to keep this organized, just like in school, except remember, *you don't have to pay for these sessions*" In order to move up to the next level, you have to complete your "development chart" and be able to teach back everything you learned. I'm really kinda neg'ed out (and omg that's one of their phrases... day 4 and it's already permeating my vocabulary) about the whole thing. It sure *sounds* like a great opportunity. But again... too good to be true. Supposedly the only catch is the amount of work and time you have to put in to make it to "ownership" which is where they send you out to your own office, build your own team, etc. You're "an investment of the company" and if you're not worth the money being spent on your training, you're "filtered out".
Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!