I don't know what's up with the weather where you guys live, but here in the Netherlands it's gone wack. Usually around this time of year, we have snow or we've at least had it. This year: zilch. No snow at all, and it hasn't even been very cold yet. On New Years Eve it was 10 degrees Celsius above freezing point!! Wut?! It felt like Autumn or Spring! What makes it even weirder, is that plants and trees are blooming and birds are still flying around in V-formation; they should have left for the South months ago. What's going on? Nature's gotten all confused and I understand...
Last year was a disaster here... Spring was AMAZING, the end of April was as hot as Summer usually is here, but then the entire Summer we had nothing but clouds and rain. Very depressing. If we get another hot-hot-hot Spring I'll make sure I'll enjoy it thoroughly, knowing that we might skip Summer again, lol.
Part of me is hoping we'll skip Winter this year entirely, because I hate slipperiness (2010-2011's Winter was horrible, even walking on the sidewalk in the city wasn't safe because the government ran out of salt early and they couldn't handle the big amounts of snow and ice and it stayed that way for weeks/months on end), the other part of me hopes we'll at least get a BIT of snow for use in doll photography... ack.
What's the weather been like in other parts of the world? Like normal, or have you noticed some changes too?