Alopecia No Hime wrote:Alrighty my biggest problem with ebay: I bid on a 21 cm Azone Ciel head from Kuroshitsuji and the seller removed the auction when there was ten minutes left and I had made my maximum bid and was winning the auction.
I was furious but I decided 'screw it' I wasted all the time waiting and keeping watch on it when I could have bought something else. I saw the same head, same seller the next day!!!!!! My mom said next time something like that happens to tell her because according to her I should have gotten the head!
If I see the same head again I'm leaving such negative feedback it'll make their head spin! (Pun not intended)
I'm keeping my eyes out for props and such like Iwako erasers, Re-ment and I keep my eyes out for good deals...
The biggest reason why I didn't try to get the head was examining it's photo I could see it looked like it's hair was cut messily. Ciel has bangs...This head didn't have it not even swept aside.
I honestly don't know what happened there, you can't end the auction if the time left is less than 12 hours. Maybe it is different for powersellers? I do know that when I had to cancel one of my auctions early it still would show up on search results for a bit.. Maybe that is what happened?