Yeah, I don't know where to put this so yeah, sticking it here.
I am sick and tired of finding all things BJD on freaking DoA. Nothing aginst them, it's VERY irritating. Yes, I realize there are links and cool stuff here as well, And I am very greatful ^_^. But when I try to do a specific search BAM fucking DoA. EVERY FUCKING TIME!
Now I realize I never say THAT word, but I'm at that point where my patience is worn thin with my search. Oh, and it doesn't end at DoA, either. I can't even register at Legendary Tutorials forum. I get a fucking error every time! I can't even contact the Admin for help. Well I tried, no reply yet, it's been a month.
Yeah, so uhm sorry, had to vent. RANT OVER. [For now]