Vetinari wrote:Thanks Trethowan! Yea I wasn't sure what I was looking at - those particular owner photos seem so much less muscle-man muscly than the company shots if that makes any sense.
Actually another Question: Any idea how the two body types pose old type vs. nuevo? Most importantly, which is more capable of holding slinky waist poses?
Hrmm from the pose-shots of the nuevo I suspect Frank/Hansel will end up on that body just becuase of what seems to be possible! But if the older body can hold those poses too it's a more difficult choice of aesthetics...
Right time to start saving/prioritising the order I'm going to go about this... It's a matter of who is more important Szesil or Frank and which sculpt I'd rather take the risk of running out of time on Charles/Hansel...
I've got a feeling that Frank/Hansel is going to win this round since realistic smirking male faces are so hard to come by! Much as I love Charles' sculpt the general "grumpy Manly man" sculpt type itself is not impossible to find since Iplehouse produces similar looking guys. But eek Hansel would be the 1st "permanently mod a dolls face" project where the underlying sculpt matters, even if it is only an eye-opening...
Vetinari wrote:Thanks! Yea I think the older 68cm body suits Frank/Hansel better, thinner but still Masculine with a capital M. (Oliver Thornton's take on Frank and Anthony Heads are the main influences for my idea of Frank's physical appearance though of course Tim Curry is The Master of the role)
Right gonna go invade the DOA thread!
Vetinari wrote:...Okay so Hansel is definitely no.1 on my to buy list right now... But instant visceral reaction of WANT to this guys dolls:
Just I didn't even realise that I'd want a cartoony/"western" bjd until I saw his sculpts... Just O.o So So Cool. (Thinking mebbe wait until he comes out with a squarer jawed dude and shell Terry McGinnis (and yep Batman Beyond was basically my sunday mornings as a kid, no church for me just Blade Runner meets Gotham meets less-mysoginistic society!))
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