So I'm doing more work on the body. To be honest I'm kinda freakin myself out. I cut it up. I need it ready for Dollism. I got a room and I got two passes for the weekend. I want this body done so that I can have him in resin at the show... and available for sale. I'm actually working on 3 bodies right now, this being the biggest and most complete. I'll make another thread for the other sized body and complimentary heads.
So I mentioned that I cut him all up. His torso is double jointed. The jointing structure that I had in mind for him should eliminate pinch points which are a large factor on a big doll. His elastic channels are also going to be huge so that he can be strung with elastic that is far thicker than I have seen in other dolls. I don't want him to do that collapse in the middle thing. I lined the joints up with his muscle structure so that it should appear that his muscle constrict, shorten appropriately. I want a doll where it doesn't look like you had to dislocate things for him to slouch or arch. I want people to love to have him shirtless and sprawled and twisted and still visually make sense and not have awkward spots that don't exist in true anatomy. Perhaps I'm asking for too much, but I don't think one should have to sacrifice aesthetics for movement. I also don't think that the joints should feel like they need hidden under clothes. Here is a picture of him all cut up:
I'm sorry that I haven't been responding as much as I would like to. The easiest way for me to see this site is on my phone. for whatever reason my computer logs me out, even in the middle of a post, and then does not recognize my password even though I have used the same one every single time. I will respond, I swear. I just get so frustrated. By the time I get logged back in I'm so annoyed that it happened again, I forget what I meant to say and feel so dumb.