Good and bad news bank account-wise I think I've worked out which sculpt will be best for the final member of my drag-quen trio - Resinsoul Long in light tan. Good because he's relatively "inexpensive", bad becuase now that I've identified the sculpt that will work I'm much much more likely to eventually shell him! Doh! The only thing is the ears - he's supposed to be normal standard human, but I much prefer Long's facial structure to Feng's.
Eh this is all pie in the sky maybe next year thinking anyway. My doll budget has been thoroughly and comprehensively obliterated by Mr Dollshe... (Not even blown out of the water by a mine, think a 10MegaTon Nuclear Doomsday Device!!)
Hmm... That'll be interesting to work out the logistics for - Jerome will be the 1st to get such treatment, but the various padding things that make the androgynous/female look are going to be a challenge to work out! Maybe removable chicken-fillet style thingies made of epoxy (Ooh or Sugru?? Since Sugru is kinda squishy! )