Ayatanne wrote:I want to mix a good obitsu together.
I saw there is a 48cm girl with good movement and the 55cm boy with not really great movement.
Someone told me it is possible to switch parts.
Yes you can do some parts swapping. The 40cm, 45cm, 47cm, 48cm, and 50cm bodies use the same skeleton design (essentially factory modified 50cm parts), so some parts can be swapped between these bodies. The three shorter bodies have shorter legs and spines than the 50cm while the 48cm just has shorter legs. The 55cm and 60cm bodies use the same skeleton design and can swap parts. With the exception of the 50cm's spine and most heads, there are no other parts that can be swapped between the 55/60cm bodies and the 40-50cm bodies without extensive modification. The skeletons are entirely different, Pegs don't fit in holes, proportions are off, etc.
The pose that is very important to me is this one:
I'd love to be able to tell you that pose is possible in the 55cm male body, but it is simply not possible without extensive (and unsightly) modifications to the vinyl parts.
This is the extent of the range of motion of the 55cm lower body.
Kaji's right leg is lifted (at the hip) as high as it will go and the lower leg is bent back (at the knee) as far as it will go. Kaji can sit in a chair comfortably but he is no gymnast. He will however stand on one foot like this without a doll stand.
What I would really like: A male, around 55cm which can sit like that girl.
If nothing else is possible, then a smaller male which can do that. I heard it is possible to make the girl to a male somehow.
The 50cm body will hit that pose. Here's Miyuki (a 50cm) sitting as shown in your picture.
This knees up to the chest pose is accomplished by literally crushing the soft vinyl abdomen by raising the legs up to the desired position. Miyuki sat like this for several weeks and when she was finally straightened up her vinyl abdomen remained crushed in. Taking a hair dryer and heating the abdomen for several minutes softened the vinyl and it returned to its original shape without damage.
I dont like the 50cm male body. I just dont like the proportions.
The 50cm female to male conversion using Parabox designed parts yields a rather skinny male body, not the larger, more mature form of the 55cm.
http://www.parabox.jp/eng_new/55_body.htmlI'm not a big fan of the 50cm male but that's the only way in the Obitsu world to accomplish your desired pose in a male body.
I also heard that the 48cm is a new body.
The 50cm body was designed over 6 years ago and the 48cm, being a slightly modified 50cm came a few years later. These bodies are "new" compared to Obitsu's 55cm and 60cm bodies, which were designed in the early to mid '00.
So is there a possibility they will make a new better male one too? When could that happen?
There is always a possibility but the likelihood of a new male 50 to 60cm body is pretty low. These dolls are primarily designed for the Japanese market and they follow buying trends there. Male dolls are nowhere near as popular as female dolls. Several years ago Obitsu introduced a new 65cm male body, which had a skeleton design based off of their 60cm ball joint designs. Early 65cm bodies suffered from breakage issues and even after these problems were addressed, overall sales remained disappointing. It is interesting to note that the 50cm body also had similar problems upon it's introduction, but went on to become a huge hit with numerous second parties having Obitsu manufacture dolls for them based on the 50cm body.