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A Question About Eyelashes

PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:09 am
by paladinari
Maybe this will help a few people who are new at this ^.^ (like me)

I recently destroyed Little Ari's pretty light brown eyelashes by removing her eyes, which had gotten stuck in her head when the putty dried up. I had originally put those eyelashes in myself; tediously sticking them in with tacky glue and doing a horrible job. They were peeling off anyway, but at least they were there!

So I haven't really found a pair that have interested me as a replacement online just yet. However, I was in the drug store last night and came across a display for fake (and human, which actually were very pretty) eyelashes. Most of them were black and WAY too long for an MSD sized doll, in my opinion. Though there were some shorter black ones too, which would have fit her.

What I'm curious about, though, are the ones that come in little clumps of 3-4 eyelashes that you stick on individually. They had a set of brown there and they seemed like the right length for her. I'd even be willing to sit there and painstakingly stick them on 1 by 1 if it would look right. It could be a fun project, right? (these are the type of lashes that apparently you can wear in until your real lashes fall out naturally, so you have to buy some sort of super strong glue, I assume)

So, my questions (for me as well as anyone else who wants to know):

1) Have you ever used "human sized" eyelashes (fake or human hair) on your doll? If so, which sized doll, how easy was it to do, and would you recommend it?

2) If yes to the above, what do you think about the possible (or actual) success rate of the individual lash method? Would that look strange?

3) Do you have any tips for using "non-doll" eyelashes on a doll? Should you use the lash glue that either comes with a kit or you have to buy, or is another glue better for use on resin?


Re: A Question About Eyelashes

PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:34 am
by kiki-chan78
In my case, it's more rare that I use 'doll' eyelashes on dolls... I tend to use human sized eyelashes, trimmed down. Those normally get put on SD and MSD heads. Though, I prefer the brown colored eyelashes since the color isn't as severe.

Never used the individual little groupings of hair, so I can't tell you much on that.

I use white-elmers type glue. Give it time to properly dry, and that should help. ^.~



Re: A Question About Eyelashes

PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:05 am
by GooglyDooglyV.2
I'm not sure if this is well-known in the BJD world yet, but if you want a truly strong glue for eyelashes, try this type of glue: ... B0006O8EVM

It's similar to Elmer's White glue, only 100000000% stronger! It's designed to be used for RC plane canopies, so you know it's designed to withstand strong wind/G-force/temperature (at least in terms of flying RC planes). It's water soluble so it's relatively easy to remove if you want to.

Re: A Question About Eyelashes

PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:51 am
by Lamia of the Dark
Sorry, I'm no help here... any of my kiddos that have eyelashes have painted-on ones...

Re: A Question About Eyelashes

PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:10 pm
by DollyKim
I used human eyelashes on my Blythe. They are multi colored and come in clumps to add to your lashes, found them around Halloween time at Wal Mart and put them in one clump at a time with tweezers and craft glue.

Re: A Question About Eyelashes

PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:40 pm
by OkamiKodomo
I used human lashes on Vespera, my Annie, and on my water dragon, Seona, the latter two being MSD size. This user on youtube actually deliberately cuts the lashes apart and glues them in a little further, to get them to the right length.

I go back and forth between elmer's glue and tacky glue myself. Both work fairly well in my experience.

Re: A Question About Eyelashes

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:31 pm
by paladinari
Thanks for all the advice everyone ^.^

After searching five stores, I finally found a pair of brown "people" eyelashes I think I can live with. I hope to stick 'em on tonight! :D

Re: A Question About Eyelashes

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:56 am
by iron_dog
I used people eyelashes on Dakvir (MSD size). Because I wanted him to have crazy long lashes as he doesn't have a face up (and will not be getting one). I didn't cut the length of them down at all. They are black and have sparkles on them. I had to remove the glue that was on them and that took a while (but the final look is worth it to me). I used Avon's Skin So Soft and a Q-tip to remove the glue from the lashes and white school glue to stick them in Dak's head.
