hello all been a long time.
Anyway I've been binge watching the Captain Harlock anime, and was struck with an idea: customizing a Tochiro Oyama doll. My main hiccup is the body type. Since he's a cutie patootie fun-sized person, I don't want him looking too childish. He's an adult. And the bodies I found are too child-like. Tochiro has a bit of pudge, but not too fat. Any ideas on where I can find a relatively inexpensive doll and it not looking like a toddler or pre-teen?
As a point of reference: The tallest doll I have is a 72 cm Uncle size. I have no idea if the company that made him is still around.
UPDATE: I settled on an Obitsu 24cm Whitey Female S bust, and I can mod it to be a boy. Fun part is the head and the long wait for the body to arrive. and I already found a nice outfit that comes with a black tank top for me to paint. Now it's looking for pants and shoes. I have no idea what scale 24cm is. I wanna say 1/4 scale so I can look at BJD clothes. also on a side tangent mah boy Josh is gonna get spoiled too. I put his new head on. and the other head is gonna be recycled for a Harlock doll. That head is PERFECT for Harlock. Yay recycling.