Not Ded
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 4:17 pm
Hello all, AlmySidKay here. It's been more than a few years since I posted anything or even visited the site. But I'm trying to reach back into the hobby more than just having my dolls sit and look pretty on my shelf. So I figured I would reintroduce myself. I'm 33 now and I'm a non-binary person who goes by they and them. My doll collection consists of: Amelia a Dollmore Lusion Alice, Himiko a Volks Show/Granado Hybrid, Neera a Volks F-06/Old F-09 SD10, Colette a Hypermaniac Lacrima Renewal, Isabella a Dollmore Illua Petite Lusion Dahlia, Lilymouse a Myou BB Matcha, Annie a Limhwa Aria Mimi and Hina a Volks Hinaichigo. I also am a bunny parent to Bran "Bun" Stark, and Athena Valentine a rex/Flemish and pure breed Flemish giant respectively.