It occurred to me that I haven't done an intro since I joined Jspot in 2006 Not that most of us dont' know each other, but still....
I am Greyhaunt and I'm one of the curmudgeon crew I work full-time as an in-house graphic designer/data manager at a Phoenix, AZ law school which means I have little or no life. In those few precious hours that I'm not working my fingers to the bone on a PC I play with dolliehs LOL
My first dollieh of the non-US non-Barbie type was a Pullip Zora that my co-workers bought for me for Xmas after seeing the mini-pullips I had on my desk. That got me surfing which cause me to see resin dolls, which lead me to ebay, which caused me to find 1/6 obitsu on Junkyspot and the rest is my downfall into the abyss of dollieh addiction.