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The Legend of Face-ups

PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:45 am
by Pandor
Hey everybody, been a while! Finally having a lull in the whole anxiety/depression/anxiety thing so I figured I'd share some "new" stuff while I still feel good. :)

Last summer I went on a small face-upping binge. These have all been uploaded on my flickr account for a while now, so apologies if you've already seen them.

Ilia, my Bobobie Ophelia. She's a third or fourth-hand doll that I love to pieces, especially after I finished her face! I'm pretty proud of this face-up, it's got character while still looking soft and natural. :)

My BBB Weylin, Link. He was my first *big* doll, we've had our ups and downs together, but this face-up is definitely a big "up." ^-^

Marle, a floating FantasyDoll Nina head. I'm pretty happy with this face-up for now, though I'd like to do one with a little more character later. But first she needs her right hair, eyes and body. And those things take money. :P Also I'm really picky about getting her the right body--I want chubby, but there's no SD bodies fat enough out there, yet. So I wait.

Zelda, my DF-A Ziluo/Impldoll Star hybrid. I love this face-up, but it doesn't photograph well. And she needs smaller, better eyes--these Dollmore eyes just don't work for her. :-/

Magus, my Mirodoll Thunder. Pretty happy with this face-up for now, but might redo it someday. Fantasy colored eyebrows are hard to get looking right on big dolls... Other things he demands: Longer, double jointed legs; clothes that aren't hand-me-downs. :P

Ghaleon, my DZ Wing-1/Fdoll hybrid.
Ah, Ghaleon.
Ghaleon, Ghaleon, Ghaleon.
I can never seem to get your eyebrows right.
Maybe 3rd time will be the charm, but I'm not ready to wipe this one just yet.

Here's one I have already wiped, my Hujoo/Fallindoll Rose. Who still needs a name. :|
I had a new face-up for her partially started, but I had to let it sit for 2 months while I did my final push to finish my MFA thesis addendum (which I got turned in on time! YASSSSS.)
And when I finally returned to it I decided I was going too heavy with the blush, plus it turned out I hadn't sealed the last layer of blushing before I left her to sit (ARGH) so yeah. Dusty, even though I covered her, so I gotta wipe and re-do.
Actually, her and 5 other heads.
I know.
ARGH times infinity.

My floating Impldoll Jimmy head, Test. This is another face-up I've already wiped. I was in a Studio Killers mood. Right now Test is wallowing on my desk waiting to be modded... For that is the fate of Test.

Finally my Dikadoll XueHua, Rau. This isn't a new face-up, I just wanted to get a photo of this before I wiped him. I fiiiinally got him a body, which is hella yellow (it was $100, skintone mismatches don't matter when the deal is that good) so I need to blush his head to match, at least under his chin to smooth out the transition.

So that's all for now, I'll probably update this thread as I get to work on redoing the work I let go to dusty ruin two months ago... :P But yeah, I don't know how to end posts.

*smoke bomb!*
Update 1:

ImageRau - Dikadoll XueHua by pandork, on Flickr

Second face-up for Rau! Happier with these eyebrows and lips, but wish I had been as liberal with the red around his eyes as I had been with the previous face-up. Hm, might add more and just re-gloss his lips after...

Also blushed him to match his very very yellow body. Yay!

Re: Face-ups Smace-ups or some better title

PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:13 pm
by maywong
I like them. It seem I'm going through the same face up binge too. LOL

Re: Face-ups Smace-ups or some better title

PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:57 pm
by zirconmermaid
If Magus doesn't want his clothes, I can think of dolls at my house that would totally wear them! The more I see of the Mirodoll Thunder, the better I like him.

Re: Face-ups Smace-ups or some better title

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:58 am
by MitisFeles
So many natural, pretty face-ups! And I love to see so much "uncommon" sculpts *_* So far, Ghaleon and Zelda are my favourite (and Magus, because I'm a Chrono Trigger fangirl XD)

Re: Face-ups Smace-ups or some better title

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 3:44 pm
by Pandor
Thanks everyone! :)

maywong: There's just something about late spring/early summer that gets those creative juice flowing again! :lol:

zirconmermaid: Ack! Don't let him hear that! He's likely to mail off his clothes to you and stage a nude strike until I give in to his very specific clothing demands. :lol:
(Btw, completely different topic, but I kind of half-remember seeing you post a photo in another thread of a plus-size/chubby bjd--I can't remember who made her or what she was called or what scale she was in, or even if it was you who posted the photo... I think there was a link to the sculptor's facebook? Search engines aren't giving me any results, would you happen to know the doll I'm thinking of? If not, never mind. :oops: )

MitisFeles: Woo, another Chrono Trigger fan! :D Thanks! Hopefully someday I'll get around to making Magus look more like Magus, but first I have to figure out how to make a good widow's peak wig. ^-^

Re: Face-ups Smace-ups or some better title

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:44 am
by DollyKim

Re: Face-ups Smace-ups or some better title

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:20 pm
by michellebebe
I love the way you paint eyebrows, especially I love Ilia's eyebrows.

Re: Face-ups Smace-ups or some better title

PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:00 pm
by Pandor
DollyKim: ~likes your like~ ;)

michellebebe: Thank you! :)

Re: Face-ups Smace-ups or some better title

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 4:00 pm
by Pandor
(moved to first post)

Re: The Legend of Face-ups

PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:46 pm
by britbrat18
I totally just clicked on this hoping for something from The Legend of Zelda, and i was not disappointed! I love your LInk, and your Zelda's face-up is stunning! Is she based on the Twilight Princess version? All your other face-ups are beautiful as well. :)