Ohshit o.o
.... I seriously want all of those.... and I don't tend to look at the girl dolls.... but I seriously like all of those on that page.... (especially the dewds
) I'm not 100% yay on the second dude's and the first chick's outfit, but outside of that.... face-wise, I like....
......ARGH I've doomed my keyboard to a bath.
I didn't read through all the prior posts, but is it me or are the arms a little different? They have a section above the elbow that looks like it's a section in itself (before the elbow's ball joint) like the obitsu arms have...
I have to look into this chicline more.... the arms are posing suspiciously good..... maybe a little too good O_-
I wanna see how much these things are...
My guess is that they're 70ish, 72 or 75cm.... THey look like they're tall....