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the topic is Den of Angels

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:19 am
by Greyhaunt
oooook. Many of you may have noticed that topics involving Den of Angels have been disappearing or being locked up lately. And I'm sure that folks are wondering who, what, where and why these things have been occurring. I'm going to do my best to explain why this has been happening because it doesn't do any good if we aren't up front about that sort of thing :)

1. Who? Well obviously it has to be one of the Mods locking or deleting a thread. I really don't encourage deletion of threads, but I'll support the decisions of mods if they feel a thread has a reason to be closed because it's going somewhere it just doesn't need to go.

2. Where? I just threw that in - we all know we're in Dollieh Sanctuary LOL

3. Why? Yep this is the biggy. It comes down to the fact that it seems every time DoA comes up in a topic the thread eventually degenerates into "I hate DoA", "DoA is elitist", "DoA mods act like nazis" etc... (no those aren't actual quotes, but they are representative of the basic idea). In other words, it turns into a DoA bitch thread. Case in point would be the thread someone once started about their attempt to join DoA getting blocked because of their email address. Within probably five posts it had turned into "I was banned for this" or "I heard that they banned someone for that" etc... Some of the criticism was founded, some was not - either way it was getting into territory that could be considered DoA bashing.

Now, all of us, I think, agree that DoA has issues. And sometimes we want to talk about something that's occurred over there, like the recent bootleg thread. That's not a problem as long as we are discussing the topic mentioned - but when the thread disolves into another round of "DoA sucks because...." we are going to lock it.

Again, why? Well, I can't really speak for all the mods, but my personal feeling is that whether we are members of DoA individually or not they are a fellow doll community. They serve a purpose as they are, by far, the best source of new doll news, second hand market, and owner photos just because of their size. I don't know who lurks in this forum and who doesn't, but one thing I don't want to see are posts showing up anywhere saying that Dollieh Sanctuary is full of DoA bashers. I prefer to keep a professional level relationship with all other doll forums (bjd or otherwise).

That's my reason.

As for some of the other mods I think the issue for them is one of "Do we reallly need to go over this again and again?" or to be more simple - it gets old.

Does this mean we are trying to censor the posts here - heck no! Everyone pokes fun at DoA now and again and none of us have a problem with that. Heck I wrote the Manifesto which is one long poke at DoA at it's core - we just don't want any mention of DoA to turn into "why I dont like DoA" posts.

I hope that everyone understand this, and I want to reiterate that it's not particular people or anything like that causing threads like these to get closed - please don't anyone feel that I am personally censuring them because I'm definitely not - it's an overall, not an individual thing.

I'm leaving THIS thread open for feedback about what I've said here - because I do value the feedback of the membership :)

Thanks for being members and reading :)

Re: the topic is Den of Angels

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:52 am
by durianbom
Hmmm, respectable. I wouldn't really want our lil' ol' forum to be classified as DoA bashers either. Then WE would probably get bahed on for being bashers. It's a wild world out there.

Re: the topic is Den of Angels

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:22 am
by Princess_Sarah_Em
Understandable. I just got on DOA and I have to say it's overwhelming especially since I can't post anything I've done cause of the banned dollfes but there is no reason for anyone to bash it.

Re: the topic is Den of Angels

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:53 am
by thisstrangeforest
Absolutely. I agree 100% with locking threads that take that turn. And I do try to make what I post sound acceptable even tho you couldn't call me a DOA supporter. I will additionally apologize if anything I've said in regard to that particular forum seems overly negative.

Re: the topic is Den of Angels

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:21 am
by Stormlight
Makes sense to me, and I sort of agree with locking DoA-bashing threads. I mean, it's sort of ironic, isn't it? Kind of like pot-meets-kettle.

I've been on DOA since I started this hobby, and I've never had any real issues with anyone. In fact I've met several other members at local meets and they've all been pretty sane so far. And it's nice to hash over dolly-talk face-to-face with other collectors. I get to see a lot more dolls that way. :)

DOA might be insane at times but it is valuable to the hobby. Picture threads, marketplace (I'm addicted, I swear), the how-to and help forums. I just avoid the trouble spots like the debate threads and do my best to follow the rules. I might not agree with some of them, and scratch my head over others (such as that whole mind-boggling "Asian aesthetic" crap), but whatever.

Honestly, I think DoA is really impressive. Not many privately-owned forums out there get popular companies like LUTS to create a doll especially for the forum's birthday. Insanity or not, somebody's doing something right over there.

Re: the topic is Den of Angels

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:55 am
by arrowchild

In all honesty, one of the reasons I find myself spending less time here than I used to is because of all the DOA nastiness. And it isn't so much because it's DOA per se, but because it fosters a really negative environment when it gets going. I know some people love their forum drama, and some people, for whatever reason, find joy in tearing other things/people down...but I've never been one of them. I like mature, supportive, happy forums and I've always come to this one because of it's positive sense of community. When people start waving their proverbial pitchforks and ganging up for a good ol' DOA bashing, I'm so baffled by the mean spiritedness of it that I almost regret taking the time to visit. And that's not a good thing!

So...thank you Grey for addressing this. And thank you mods for trying to keep it under control.

And, heck...I'll go ahead and say it...I want my happy dollieh forum back!

Re: the topic is Den of Angels

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:56 am
by AlmySidaKay
Because we haven't had one in a while:


I <3 DS, and DoA. Now if only their powers could combine, so they could be Captain Planet!

.... ok maybe not. >.>

Re: the topic is Den of Angels

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:19 pm
by Trethowan
Yep. I agree completely.

We don't want to be bashed? Then we shouldn't bash anyone else. Like the title says, this is a SANCTUARY. It should not only be a sanctuary for off topic dolls, but also a sanctuary from the negative vibes that bring us down. Like my post in the Den of Demons thread, if we can't say anything nice, then let's just not say anything at all. We're here to talk about our dolls. Not other forums.

Let the back-stabbers be elsewhere. We don't need to sink to their level. It's uncouth. We can do better.

Re: the topic is Den of Angels

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:09 pm
by Greyhaunt
AlmySidaKay wrote:I <3 DS, and DoA. Now if only their powers could combine, so they could be Captain Planet!

.... ok maybe not. >.>

Perhaps more like this?


Re: the topic is Den of Angels

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:53 pm
by Llwynog
OK. The Wondertwins is pure random WIN!