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Why I have little to no follow through

PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:16 am
by DollyKim
It turns out I am one of the who knows how many adults, especially female/raised as female, with ADHD. I have the hyper focus, difficulty sticking with and finishing "projects" with deadlines meaning nothing, not being able to "quiet" my brain or "calm down", and the search for the emotional fix*. Because I was also a "quiet" child and did generally okay in school, gifted in some subjects and outright failing others, no one bothered to see if I had anything aside from a generalized "learning disability".

So the reason I never know if or when I'll finish any doll projects is totally my brain, nothing to be ashamed of, and if you see it in yourself or loved ones look in to it because it would be nice if you could find some cognitive ways to deal with it. I have managed to get better at some things and have an easier daily life. You can get your brain to cooperate with scheduled resting times.

There's no shame if your totem is a squirrel or some other small mammal.

*Personally my frontal lobe brain injury and the associated medical treatments have left my ability to feel emotions skewed but I remember what it was like.

Re: Why I have little to no follow through

PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:51 am
by Kirahfaye
My daughter was born 13 weeks premature and we were warned she could suffer both physically and mentally as a result. She was diagnosed with PTSD, social anxiety, depression and clinical anxiety at 12 yo, ASD, ADHD and schizo-effective disorder at 18 and mild Tourette's at 20. She takes great pride in the projects she does accomplish, even if it takes multiple attempts over several weeks or months. She can go from spending several days working nonstop on one thing - or she would if it weren't for her partner who is also her caregiver - to not picking up a project again for 2 years.

So, yeah - hugs. I understand.

Re: Why I have little to no follow through

PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 6:24 pm
by kenaiqueen
*hugs* all around!

Re: Why I have little to no follow through

PostPosted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:34 am
by DollyKim
Thanks everyone :)

I've been able to funnel a lot of my stimming, now that I know what that is, towards making things with string and other arts and crafts to satisfy the need to keep my hands busy. ~bets I have WIP projects older than your daughter~

There is a book called The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons by Sam Kean that puts a lot of brain stuff in plain English, if y'all haven't read it yet. It helped break me of a lot of what I thought was depression for not feeling motivated when it was something I couldn't help.

Re: Why I have little to no follow through

PostPosted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:45 am
by Kirahfaye
DollyKim wrote:~bets I have WIP projects older than your daughter~

As a parent, I find it hard to believe my little girl will turn 24 next month. LOL

DollyKim wrote:There is a book called The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons by Sam Kean that puts a lot of brain stuff in plain English, if y'all haven't read it yet.

I'll mention it to her. She loves learning about the brain.

Re: Why I have little to no follow through

PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2019 4:37 pm
by Carrillo
I have ADHD too, and I’m scatty with projects. I start things then get distracted & never finish, or I hyperfocus and do nothing else for days until It’s done. We are what we are!