My basement remodel that began last February has been FINISHED. I am now moving back in to the lower half of my house and the dolls have their own wall (painted lime green because why not). I didn't think about them until I started pulling out the boxes and all my old photostories started coming to mind. Their silly personalities started to refresh in my memory and I fell in love with each of my dolls all over again. I am still too busy to probably ever do a photostory again but just having my dolls back out on the shelf has been a true joy for me. I hope to be active again and to spend more time with you guys. I've really missed this wonderful community and all of the dollieh-joy you share. Here's to a joyful 2019! /kisses
haha... edit... I can't remember how to share a picture.
2019-01-26_11-38-54 by BJD Fanatic, on Flickr
2019-01-26_11-39-47 by BJD Fanatic, on Flickr
2019-01-26_11-40-48 by BJD Fanatic, on Flickr