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In need to improve my English... RP, someone?

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 7:43 am
by MitisFeles
Brace yourself for a glorious wall of text... well, at least for my usual standards ^_^'

As a non native speaker and an almost self-taught one, my relationship with English was always "a bit" difficult. After years of struggling only now I dare to read entire books in English, I still don't understand all the words in a speech, I'm probably unable to sustain a sensed dialogue and my written English is probably a terrible mess of Internet slang with no distinctions between formal and informal registers and U.S. and U.K. forms at all.
But as a writer and a regular of a decent number of English-spoken communities, like this forum, I'm really wanting to improve my capacity and be able to write in English with more ease, even in a semi-literate or literate one.
I tried to start translating or directly writing stories in English, but I quickly lost motivation. Roleplaying was and still is one of my favorite hobby, both in tabletop game form like D&d and Vampires and telling/writing a story together with other people; so I recently tried roleplaying in the latter sense with a really kind person. This wasn't the first time I tried roleplaying in English, but this time words came easier than in the first try. I think that can be the right way for me to achieve more ease in writing, and having fun in the meanwhile too!

So, I offer myself and two of my characters for an RP, if someone enjoy this activity too and wants to give me a chance! Really I've plenty of characters (and no reasons to not create new ones) , but these two are the only that already have an English description.



And even without an RP, I'll really appreciate some feedback about these two character sheet. Please tell me if I butchered the English grammar and/or wrote absurdities (well, the ones I didn't intended to write) so I can repair my mistakes ^_^'

Re: In need to improve my English... RP, someone?

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 6:12 pm
by ShortNCuddlyAm
You're mostly self taught? I honestly would not have guessed that! Your English is fine - it reads as contemporary internet forum English - basically the sort of English I read on most of the forums I'm on. There's the odd bit that suggests it's not your first language, but really nothing to suggest you've not been speaking/writing it for years.

As far as the characters go, and still thinking about the language...

To be honest, the only bit that jarred at all was this in Dahlia's sheet:
Given the unstable nature of the Dream Realms, not always the reached destination is the one that was planned at the start of the journey, but Dahlia doesn’t seems to worry about this… at least, not too much.

It might be better put as something like Given the unstable nature of the Dream Realms, the destination reached is not always the one that was planned at the start of the journey, but Dahlia doesn’t seems to worry about this… at least, not too much.

As far as the characters go - both look interesting, and I'm trying to think if any of my characters would work with either of these for an RP!

Re: In need to improve my English... RP, someone?

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 8:56 am
by MitisFeles
Thank you very much for your suggestion, Am! I changed the faulty period.
I confess, I'm truly surprised to not have strikingly scrambled other periods beyond comprehensibility ^_^'''
And as I said, I've a whole bunch of characters from tabletop RP and novels-in-progress... maybe it's time to put some order in my fiction universe and start writing some character sheets!

I studied English at school, but not really well (it was a really marginal subject and at the time I didn't feel it was useful). I had a first boost in my motivation with D&D (and Magic the Gathering), with the need to read some untranslated materials, but I started to read and write in English on a daily base only when I decided to stop simply lurking in this forum, to sign in and start to contribute, three years ago (thank you Sanctuary!)

Re: In need to improve my English... RP, someone?

PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2014 8:43 pm
by SymphonicEnkelli
Your English is impeccable! It reads very well. I would say that your post is better than those of most native English speakers. However, I understand that you may want to improve your confidence and what-not, so I'd be willing to help! I'm currently majoring in English and I hope to be an editor, so I could use some practice with editing. I also love to RP! Your character Edwin is intriguing, and I'd love to work with his story.

Re: In need to improve my English... RP, someone?

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:06 am
by MitisFeles
You are majoring in English? That's somewhat funny, SymphonicEnkelli, because I'm currently working on the thesis for my Italian Literature master degree!
Do you have a favorite RP medium? I usually write in more or less short paragraph format, and I appreciate to have all the previously written readily accessible if I need some reference to previous said things, so I currently feel comfortable in using co-edited Google Drive and similar services.

Re: In need to improve my English... RP, someone?

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:41 am
by SymphonicEnkelli
Italian Literature sounds like fun! In America, the farthest we get with Italian literature is Dante's Inferno and maybe Machiavelli's The Prince. *sigh* I'm working on my Bachelors, so I'm reading a wide selection of literature. I'm also concentrating in Creative Writing in hopes that I can improve my writing skills. Ideally, I want to write novels.

I've only ever RPed in forums, my posts ranging from a series of short to long paragraphs. However, I'm sure Google Drive is a similar experience, so I'd be willing to participate. :)