OkamiKodomo wrote: If you track down the owners of the other photos, they can do the same.
But if a sensitive individual found themselves featured there, then it could be a very discouraging experience.
Okay, so:
I do recognize who some of those dolls belong to.
Here's the thing: if I was unaware that one of my dolls was up there, I don't know how I'd feel if someone pointed it out to me. Part of me would want it down,the other part of me would rather live in bliss without knowing the my doll had been featured on a webpage touted as the "ugliest" dolls in the hobby. I mean, as much as I would like to say that I would go "who cares, I love them", part of me would be very hesitant about posting them ever again. That part might also want to redo the doll or even get rid of it.
I admit it: I'm a bit of a people pleaser at times.
I guess you could group me in with those who might be "sensitive" to it.
So, what do you do if you don't know the person well enough to know how they'll react? I mean, coming out of nowhere to a stranger saying "Hey, a bunch of people have been mocking your doll over here" seems a bit wrong in and of itself. Could trying to "help" others by telling them that their doll is there actually hurt them?
Caretaker of the Axelsen household: Aria, Annica, Aubrey, Azalea, Asher, Amelia, Alantril, Arivan, and Angora