Iwa_Hoshi wrote:Are we both replacing our PC because we want go riding from town to town with Geralt?
More because I got sent a $1200 check I had to spend in a hurry and I want to run Unreal 5 when it comes out next year, as well as try photogrammetry and other 3d graphic art (which is why my biggest expense was the RTX gpu because they can do raytracing right out of the box - got it on sale at BestBuy for about $300 tho, so I think I did good there)... but the Logical Increments website I used to help pick and hunt down parts kept mentioning Witcher 3) I guess they use it as a benchmark to test gaming builds). Epic had it on sale for $15 (it's back to $50 now) about the time I got all my pieces picked and paid for, so I grabbed it. I'd heard of the game series first (and haven't seen the show adaption), but never played any of them, so it should be interesting. I'll probably track down the books before the other games, but I know better than to pass up a sale like that on something I was likely to get eventually anyway. I tend to like anything that has good worldbuilding and interesting characters, but my mind can be weird sometimes about which stories it decides to latch onto and which never grab my interest.
My old clunker laptop can still manage to surf (I'm on it right now), but the case is a bit messed up because I got the screws mixed up last time I had it apart and half of them are in the wrong places. Worse, tho, I think the thermal paste on the CPU is degrading (the fan still seems to be working fine, but I've had it shut down a few times on warm days when I was trying to record video, so it's just not keeping up and staying cool any more.) I usually squeeze a decade out of a computer before it's completely parts, but at 6 years it's definitely reaching the 'websurf only and start running Linux instead of Windows' (which it came with) stage. And my only other build is basically a home media server. I can get online with it great if I need to, but it was designed to maximize storage, not speed. No separate GPU, no camera, no way to record sound.
I'm worried about the shipping during all of this too.. still waiting on my CPU and case fans, and have one package that according to tracking has gone in a complete circle twice for no reason. But shopping from home/mail order is the only option I've had for years due to lack of transportation and other factors. So I just have to hope.
My Fujifilm Finepix AX is still holding up for non-gaming pics, but I ran out of funds before getting a camera for the new computer - or a monitor, but my laptop can loan its second one. (Plus I have two sitting around that could be repairable.)